Document Registration FAQs

Website for Online Document Registration NGDRS-Goa (

  1. Why should I register a document?
    An unregistered document is not legally recognized as evidence, to prove transactions in land.
  2. Where should be the document registered?
    The documents should be registered only with a Sub-Registrar in whose area, the property or its part is situated. Other documents can be registered with any Sub-Registrar.
  3. What is the time limit for registration?
    The document should be registered within four months from the date of execution of the document by the parties.
  4. Can one register after 4 months?
    The document can be registered beyond four months but within Eight months from the date of execution on payment of fine and getting delay condoned (see model application) from the District Registrar. Fine amount ranges from 2.5 to 10 times the proper registration fees.
  5. Who can present and later collect a document?
    Only the parties actually signing or claiming under a document, (or their Power of Attorney holder or legal representative) can present a document. The document is later returned only to the said presenter or to his nominee. Presentation can be done by only one person.
  6. Are there special rules about such Power of Attorney?
    (a) In India, where the Registration Act, 1908, is in force, the Power of Attorney should be authenticated by a Sub Registrar only,
    (b)In other areas, attestation should be by a Notary or diplomatic agents. (c) In case an attorney under a valid Power of Attorney himself signs a document, he may, as executing (signing) parties present/admit execution of a document though it is attested by a Notary, unless the text of the power specifically excludes such powers.
    (d) Power of Attorney executed out of India should be adjudicated before the Collector of stamps after its receipt in India within prescribed time of three months.
  7. How to get an appointment with Sub-Registrar for presenting a document?
    The appointments for registration of documents are made available online. The parties need to select the available appointment of their choice for registration of the document. This is last step in the process of registration of document under the new NGDRS system
    NOTE: In any case, the appointment will be taken by parties without interference of Sub Registrar Office as per their choice and availability.
  8. What to do if the Officer does not keep appointment on the day marked but calls later frequently?
    Registration of documents is only one of the several functions discharged by a Sub-Registrar and sometimes it is possible that in view of other formalities registration is delayed, but in such cases you may request the Sub-Registrar to give specific appointment ( see query 8 above). Under the Registration Act, 1908 a Sub Registrar cannot decline to accept a document except on the ground that the documents relate to properties outside the area of his jurisdiction. When he refuses, law requires that he/she should record the same, in the Day Book, record that refusal in the Book II of Refusals and then give you a copy of reasons of refusal without any extra fees. An appeal lies to District Registrar against the refusal.

NOTE: In case the refusal is legitimate, and is upheld, only half the fees collected by the Sub-Registrar could be refunded to the party. So, consider carefully the advice of the Sub-Registrar before insisting on official refusal.

  1. Are there special fees for taking appointment?
    There are no special fees for taking appointment for registration of document. However, incase the party wants to take tatkal appointment then party has to pay additional tatkal fee which is at present Rs.10000/- per appointment.

NOTE: Please take note that appointment could be taken only online and there is no interference from sub registrar office in selecting appointment slots by the parties. Discourage any self styled middleman (who could be even respectable professionals) offering to secure appointments for some price. Insist on receipt for any money paid. Absence of receipt may be an indication about the office not being aware of your work at all. Models of several applications are annexed hereto for guidance. Besides, such model forms have been required to be displayed at the Notice Boards of the offices. Certificates should be applied for sufficiently in advance, since the same involve search. Depending on the work in particular offices, it normally takes between 3 to 15 days from the date of application.

  1. May we have some idea about common defects in documents which delay acceptance/ registration?
    The procedure for registration is simplified to great extent. If the document is in order, the Registering officer has to compulsorily accept it. But, if provisions of Law are not met, the document cannot be accepted or registered.

Following points should more or less cover most of the common requirements:-
(A) Basic requirements:-
(i) Unsigned documents should not be brought to the office. It is the responsibility of the parties/their Lawyer to ensure that the documents are signed preferably at their home/office.
(ii) The date of stamp paper should be earlier than or same as the date of signatures on the document.
(iii) Attached copies of plan, if any, should be signed.
(iv) Nationality and age of all parties to be mentioned.
(v) Each alteration, erasure, interlineations or blank in the text should be attested (initialed) by all parties.
(vi) Documents to be typed on only one side of the page by keeping the reverse side blank.
(vii) The size of enclosed plan should be of Legal size.

(B) As to Stamps:
(i) Market value should be correctly stated
(ii) The words “Market value‟ should be mentioned in the text when the duty depends upon the same.

(C) Identification of property by complete description:-
Complete description means the following:-
(i) Village Panchayat or Municipal area, Taluka Sub-District, District, where properties is situated;
(ii) Boundaries (name of the street, if in town);
(iii) Land Registration number and Matriz number (mention „not described/inscribed‟ if such numbers do not exist);
(iv) Survey number; with Sub-Division, if any.
(v) Area.

(D) Papers to accompany documents:-
(i) „True copy‟ on green ledger paper (photocopy);
(ii) Attested copies of Power of Attorneys, if any;
(iii) Copy of map/plan if mentioned in the text;
(iv) N.O.C. from Planning Development Authority/TCP, wherever applicable;
(v) TDS certificate incase vendors are foreign nationals.
(vi) TDS certificate incase the vendor is Indian National and consideration amount is Rs.50.00 Lakh and above.
(viI) Any other document as per requirement of the particular document.

  1. What is the manner of paying registration fees?
    The fees are payable through any of the online mode provided in the NGDRS portal. All fees are to be paid before taking appointment for registration of document.
  2. Can one withdraw a document, if he wishes not to proceed with the Registration?
    Yes, but only if a written request is made before admission of any execution is recorded.
  3. How will one know if the document is kept pending or when he could collect it?
    The reason for pendency is communicated to the party and/or is mentioned on the receipt (Form T) itself. There are also Departmental instructions that all factors for which document is kept pending are to be shown by way of abbreviation on the receipt itself (e.g. N.O.C., P.D.A., admn, P.att. etc.). So also, when a document would be referred to the Collector for valuation, that fact would also be mentioned on the receipt.
  4. Is it true that mere fact of registration does not mean that the document is legally valid?
    Yes, Registration is one of the several formalities in completing a transaction and while registering, a Sub-Registrar is not expected to concern himself with the legal validity of the transaction but has to restrict himself to verifying prescribed formal aspects only under the Registration Act, 1908, like stamp duty, identification of parties, description of property and similar. It is for the parties to ascertain in advance through a Lawyer or otherwise, the legality of the transaction before drawing up a document.
  5. How to obtain NIL Encumbrance Certificate and other Certificates?
    Models of several applications are annexed hereto for guidance. Certificates should be applied for sufficiently in advance, since, same involve search of voluminous records. Depending on the work in particular offices, it normally takes between 3 to 15 days from the date of application.
  6. Are there any fees for collecting documents?
    All the fees are collected only once while presenting the documents, except in exceptional cases where fees were under charged by lapse (or a notice in form V and AB for collection of documents is sent. Even in that case, the sum will be minor). The Government from time notifies the fee structures for registration of document in the Registration department. Present fee structure of registration fee is enclosed at Annexure-IV
  7. How document is registered under NGDRS?
  8. The individual/lawyer has to go first on following url: .
  9. Then party has to create an account under citizen login and upload the draft of the deed for approval by selecting the appropriate dropdowns provided, once the first step is completed a pre-registration number is generated; The citizen also has to upload he mandatory draft (it is only then the application reaches the Sub registrar for approval) and wait for the SRO approval.
  10. Initially at the time of submission of draft for approval the citizen will see only two tabs: basic information and upload documents.
  11. Once the application is processed then other tabs gets activated.
  12. Citizens are expected to comply with the observations raised by the Sub Registrar before taking appointment for registration.
  13. The Citizen has to complete all the steps, make payment of registration fees, mutation fees, if applicable, scan the signed original document and upload the document in PDF format, also upload other documents as provided and applicable and then submit the application and take appointment.
  14. On the date and time of appointment the executing parties along with the witnesses has to remain present before the Sub Registrar for admission of document. The citizen has to carry the original document complete in all respect along with other supporting documents and submit the same to the Sub Registrar Office for registration.
  15. once the document is registered same is scanned and delivered to the party on the same day.
  16. Necessary tutorials and user manuals are available on NGDRS website: and Registration Department website:
  17. How to obtain certified copy of document under NGDRS?
    Citizen has to login into his user id. Proceed to search option available on left hand corner of his login page. Fill the details and search.
    Once results are out then apply for certified copy. The citizen has to also make payment of fees online using any of the mode provided in the system.

Once completing the process the citizen has to visit the Sub Registrar office with a Rs.50/- non judicial stamp paper for collecting the certified copy.

NOTE: Citizens who does not want certified copy can also download a non-certified copy (inspection copy) for information only through above login.

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